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Become a CIPH Member

CIPH Industry Champ

CIPH is a national association representing the interests of the Plumbing & Heating industry across Canada.

Join your peers to form a strong, unified voice to influence legislation and develop new codes and standards that benefit industry and the public.

Programs to Help You Grow

Becoming a member of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH) opens the door to a dynamic community representing the collective interests of the Plumbing & Heating industry throughout Canada. By joining forces with your peers, you contribute to the creation of a robust and unified voice capable of influencing legislation and shaping the development of new codes and standards. This collaborative effort not only benefits the industry but also serves the broader public interest. As a member, you and your company gain access to a range of programs designed to foster growth and success in today's highly competitive business environment. CIPH membership offers the opportunity to become an industry champion, advocating for positive change and enjoying the numerous advantages that come with being part of this influential association. Embrace the chance to thrive within a supportive network, contribute to industry advancements, and elevate your standing in the Plumbing & Heating sector through CIPH membership.