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Manufacturers’ Agents Council


CIPH’s Manufacturers’ Agents Council meets regularly to review the activities and programs created or planned specifically to serve Agents in Canada including:

  • Collaboration opportunities with other Agent-based organizations such as the Manufacturers’ Representatives Education Research Foundation (MRERF) and the Association of Independent Manufacturer’s Agents (AIM/R)
  • Addressing Agent challenges – roundtable discussions on industry issues that are impacting Manufacturers’ Representatives
  • The Agents Rep Profile Survey: an excellent way to confidentially share information and get feedback on how Agents across Canada are performing
  • Generally representing the interests of Agents in their relationships with Manufacturers.

The Council also has liaisons serving on all 9 CIPH Region Board. The role of the Region Agent Liaison is to communicate the activities of the Agents Council to the Region and to identify any issues  of concern to Agents at the local level and relay these back to the Council for information and/or action.

Any Agent who represents lines on behalf of a CIPH manufacturer is strongly encouraged to take advantage of these powerful benefits. It is important not only for your own relationships, but also for the relationship with the manufacturers you represent.


CIPH’s Manufacturers’ Agents Council was formed in 1965 to address the needs of members who serve as Sales Representatives for CIPH Manufacturers and Master Distributors.