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Canadian Water Systems Council


The Canadian Water Systems Council (CWSC) is a council within the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH). Our purpose is to promote the responsible growth and prosperity of the Manufacturers, their Sales Agents, Distributors and their customers in the Canadian Water Systems Industry.

Our mandate allows us to:


  • To encourage good relations among Members and to provide effective public relations for the Canadian Water Systems Industry.
  • To maintain influence with Regulatory Agencies in Canada with respect to Water Systems products to work for improved legislation and regulation.
  • To encourage education and training of personnel for the Canadian Water Systems Industry.
  • To encourage market research. To acquire and disseminate useful information and accurate statistics about the Canadian Water Systems Industry.
  • To maintain contact and establish co-operative relationships with allied industry associations in Canada and in the U.S.A.
  • To encourage the CIPH Regions to form active Regional Water Systems Committees.


The Canadian Water Systems Council (CWSC), formerly known as the Canadian Association of Pump Manufacturers (CAPM), was approved by CIPH on November 16, 2015.


Since 1949, CAPM was the national trade association representing the Canadian potable and wastewater industry. But faced with a changing business landscape and declining membership base, the CAPM members voted unanimously to dissolve CAPM and transition it into a council within CIPH.


The transition will mean greater access to networking events, training opportunities, a stronger voice with government agencies and a competitive edge with access to industry statistics and reports.


Under the new Canadian Water Systems Council, the scope and mandate will also be expanded to include previously unrepresented aspects of water and pump use such as grey water, rainwater recycling and reuse.